Well hello all in those good old United States of America. I am Max Hausslein, one of us students doing the India journey, reporting live from some random internet cafe in New Delhi. CURRENTLY we are stuck in the smoggy city due to foul weather up north towards Leh, but it's not that bad. It just rained, a nice cool down (kind of) from the humid heat, for the first time, although it was for only around 15 minutes. Delhi is and has been in no way the highlight of our pre-Ladakh adventures, however. Although I believe a bit of our adventures have been covered elsewhere in the blog, before we arrived here midday yesterday, we cleansed ourselves in the Ganges on some white water rafts, studied devoutly in a Buddhist library, played volleyball with some monks, and even hiked some very long distance up some very steep hills through some very remote territories, the reward being a very col place and view. All in all, good times.
So as I sit here in this alleyway (which really is quite something) I cross my fingers that we'll get a flight soon to Leh. In the meantime, I'll enjoy the unique sights of birds' nests of electricity wires, the stench of a local "public bathroom" and haggle with some nifty merchants for some nifty gifts. Even if this sounds pessimistic, it's not - it's just all very different from the little green mountain state we call home.
Over and out, Max Hausslein
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